had the right idea.

Let’s talk about sex.
Believe it or not, your kid hopes you will.

 Teens consistently say parents and guardians influence their relationship and sex decisions more than peers, partners, or even pop culture. Shocking right?

Breathe easy. Our partners have assembled everything you need when the time comes. Don’t know where to start? Our free Sexual Health Resource Guide is a great resource to get the conversation going with your kid.


Free expert-led resources for caregivers.

Prevention & Protection

Information about birth control, emergency contraception, and more.

Talking Consent

Consent is key, especially for children and teens. These resources can help you get the conversation started.

Parents of LGBTQIA+ Teens

Be prepared with affirming, honest sex ed for every gender identity and sexual orientation.

Planned Parenthood

From puberty to pregnancy and personal safety, Planned Parenthood has resources for every stage.

Find a Clinic

Browse our clinic finder to located a clinic near you.


Sex ed doesn’t have to be boring. Make it fun with Amaze’s animated sex ed videos.

Amaze Jr.

When you need big answers for your little one’s questions, they’re all right here.

OKC Care Center

Their body is their business. The Care Center offers nationally-recognized child-friendly resources for body safety and abuse.


Get the Conversation Going

Try these helpful tips and suggestions.

Start Early and Talk Often
The stats don’t lie. Young adults that talk often about sex with trusted adults are less likely to have premature or unprotected sex. Instead of trying to fit everything into one big conversation, start frequent age-appropriate chats as soon as it makes sense. While it can feel uncomfortable, discussing body parts and sex-related topics early can help build a foundation of trust.
Be a Role Model
What kind of adult did you need when you were growing up? Healthy relationships of any age revolve around mutual trust, respect, and kindness. As you grow with your child, be clear about your own sexual values and attitudes, but give them room to make their own choices. When they feel heard and seen, they’re more likely to stick to what’s best for their future.
Be an Askable Parent
If you’ve ever had a toddler, you know kids are in no shortage of questions. That doesn’t change as they get older. By building a relationship where they can ask you anything (especially the prickly questions), kids and teens are less likely to seek answers from unreliable sources. If you don’t have all the answers, that’s normal. Find them together by reading books and reviewing helpful websites like honestly, Amaze, Planned Parenthood, Sex, Etc. and others.
Structure is Central
Even if they don’t always like them, rules exist for a reason. Setting standards of behavior, respectful communication, and consistent routine — like curfew or chores — gives them boundaries to safely explore. Be open about why these rules exist, and respectfully correct if they are disobeyed.
Keep It Casual
The “talk” shouldn’t be one big, buttoned-up conversation. Some of the best everyday teaching moments are right in front of our noses, like an exaggerated sex scene or a song that paints an unhealthy picture of a relationship. Our world is filled with not-so-factual ideas of love and sex, so keep an eye on what they’re watching, listening to, and reading and use them as jumping off points.
Help Them Set Goals
Once it’s age appropriate, invite your child to think about attributes they want in a significant other. Take time to talk about positive relationship role models and what a healthy relationship looks like. Teens want to be proud of who they are dating and feel confident making the big introduction.