Teach teens communication skills, not abstinence, in sex education classes

There is no federal mandate for sex education in the United States, but the U.S. government spends millions of dollars per year subsidizing sex education programs nationwide. Under the Trump administration, these federally-funded programs are increasingly rooted in an abstinence-only framework.

Some schools are rethinking sex ed with lessons on consent

The MeToo movement has forced a discussion about sexual harassment and consent in the workplace, in Hollywood, and in the locker room, but what about in schools?While colleges have tackled the issue by training students about relationships and consent, those who teach sex education in K-12 say it needs to start much earlier.

Teen parents [Video]

Jackelyn Rodriguez and Guadalupe Herrera talk about the joys and difficulties of being parents while still being students

Event: SPARK Tank – Where innovation meets community action

Join us on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 virtual, innovation celebration. Six community organizations will pitch their ideas for programs promoting caregiver-child communication. Dr. Melisa Holmes, Co-Founder of Girlology, will be our keynote speaker!.

Oklahoma has third highest teen birth rate in nation

Oklahoma is one of the states with the highest teen birth rate in the U.S. A partnership of organizations has been fighting for years to bring those numbers down. There’s that phrase–Knowledge is power, and Thrive, a public private collaboration, says that giving teens information is a major factor in a decline in Oklahoma’s teen birth rate.

Sasha Hughes joins as project coordinator

Sasha Hughes, a seasoned professional who holds more than a decade of combined experience in hospitality and health care, has joined the staff of Thrive as a Project Coordinator. In this role, Sasha will convene, support, and connect a partner network of content and context experts, which will greatly impact teen pregnancy prevention in Oklahoma County.

Seeking organizations to join Innovation Cohort

Thrive is currently soliciting proposals from community organizations that would like to participate. Selected organizations will be guided through a process of creating innovative, equitable, and sustainable strategies and projects that empower and equip caregivers.